Thursday, March 17, 2011

"COOL" loses its flavor quickly!

I love to go to the gum isle and check out the new flavors that come out almost daily. The gum comercials are amazing too. The person on the screen gingerly takes the wrapper off of his piece of gum and slides it into his mouth and BOOM, it seems to be life changing!

I have had chewing gum that tasted so... GOOD the first 5 minutes I chewed it. Then, all at once, flat as a flitter! Almost no taste left at all and even the texture turns to a hard rubber. Old school gum like Wrigleys Sperimint or Juicy Fruit was all about the short term blast of smooth chewing flavor and it only had enough ingredients in it to hold you for a few chomps.

"FIVE" gum is the ultimate chewing explosion now for me and because they have upped the ingredients, it seems to last and last. I find a lot of people today are kind of like that with how they live their lives: a little in, a little out - a lot in, a lot out! Matt. 5:13 says "we are the salt (or tastiness) of the earth..." Wow, we really need to have a lot of the good stuff in us so we don't lose our effectiveness, don't we?

What do you say, we don't just try to be "cool" (packaged right, tasty for a minute) but put in the powerful ingredients of God's Spirit which will have a huge impact and last FOREVER!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow this is a really good post. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Keep 'em flowing!!!