Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year to All!

I was sipping on a great cup of coffee this morning as I intently watched five squirrels run around on the power lines. They played, fought and marked their territory and went about their little lives having no knowledge of the power source they were running so close to.

You know where I`m going. Some people that I float with do they same thing in their lives in one of two ways. Believers, so much of the time run around with all of the "activity of life" and do not even know how much power is right at their disposal. While unbelievers, play around without understanding the destructive power that they are so close to engaging.

2009 brings both applications up for consideration in our lives rather we realize it or not. #1 ) I want to tap into the source of power, that is TRUTH. #2 ) I want to run with caution on my path and not play around with destruction (SIN).

What do you say, let`s "get the power" in `09?

All out 4 JESUS,
